2014 Call for Papers: Alone Together: Communication and Community (or Not)

72nd Annual Conference
New York State Communication Association
October 17-19, 2014
Honor’s Haven Resort and Spa – Ellenville, New York

 Alone Together: Communication and Community (or Not)

 Communication allows us to share meaning, build relationships, and create communities. The empathy garnered through thoughtful Communication is the foundation for common ground, and our perspectives are often guided by relationships and shared experiences. Yet in this time of niche markets, micro audiences, and customizable media, are we limiting opportunities for understanding? Is our communication encouraging factionalism at the expense of more holistic community?

This year’s conference theme invites papers at the intersection of community and communication. Specific topics relevant to the overarching theme include, but are not limited to:       

  • Digital Access
  • Diversity
  • Media Literacy
  • Political Discourse
  • Civic Engagement
  • Group Communication
  • Organizational Health
  • Leadership


Communication provides the opportunity to reach beyond the self, to form bonds with others, to build communities together. However, in our increasingly digital world, examples abound of failure on all these fronts. We invite you to join with the NYSCA community of scholars to consider these issues and more.

We welcome submissions in a variety of formats including papers, panel proposals, posters, roundtables, media screenings, and other innovative proposals for thoughtful engagement. Work related to the conference theme is encouraged, as well as scholarship addressing a wide range of communication topics from a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches. Undergraduate and graduate student submissions are also welcome and will be considered for student paper awards.

For completed papers of no more than 25 pages, please send identifying information (title page, author, affiliation, contact information) in a separate document. Papers should include a running head with an abbreviated title. Student submissions should indicate “undergraduate” or “graduate,” along with an abbreviated title in the running head.

For all other presentation formats, including panel proposals, posters, and roundtables, please include the title, the lead contact or panel chair, the participants/authors, affiliations, contact information, and a description of the panel, poster, or roundtable. For each paper in a panel or roundtable proposal, please include a title, a list of authors, and abstracts of no more than 250 words.

A statement of professional responsibility should be included on the cover or title page of the submission and should state the following: “In submitting the attached paper/panel proposal, poster, or roundtable, I/we agree to present at the 2014 NYSCA conference if it is accepted. I/we further recognize that all who attend and present at NYSCA’s annual meeting must register and pay the required fees.”

Please email abstracts, proposals, and/or completed papers to Maureen Louis (mlouis@cazenovia.edu)) no later than JULY 1, 2014 (deadline extended from June)


Full call as PDF: NYSCA-Call_for_papers-2014